How CricBuzz gets 398 million monthly traffic & makes $7.8M revenue!?

CricBuzz is one of the most visited websites on Google with 398 million monthly traffic. Let's learn how they did it!

3rd November 2022
4 min read

In a nutshell

CricBuzz is a website that covers all things cricket. That means the website shares real-time live match scores, all the series details, live commentary, player details and more!

CricBuzz primarily makes money by running ads on all its platforms. So, the more visits it gets through Google, the more would be ad revenue. In that case, implementing SEO and getting more traffic truly serves the bottom line of CricBuzz.

Overall, CricBuzz simply dominates the search rankings:
Organic Keywords = 480K
Organic Traffic = 398M
Backlinks = 1.8M
Domain Rating (DR) = 77

The subfolders that bring in the majority of their traffic is as follows:
/cricket-match = 40.3M
/cricket-series = 38.4M
/profiles = 12.7M
But, how do these subfolders bring so many users?

1. The main reason why CricBuzz gets such an insane amount of traffic is because of keyword research!
2. CricBuzz ranks for some extremely high volume and low difficulty keywords that alone bring thousands in traffic.

3. In SEO, your site can only rise up to the potential of the keywords you target. So, choosing the correct keyword set can be a game changer.
4. The SEO strategy of doing keyword research helps in this process.

Now, there are definitely other factors that contribute to CricBuzz's success but if not for these keywords and the millions of people completely obsessed with cricket, CricBuzz wouldn't be in the top creamy layer of most visited sites on Google!

But, how do you replicate CricBuzz's success?
Well, you will have to find high volume and low difficulty keywords in your specific domain and start creating pages for them. You might not hit a jackpot as CricBuzz did but a few thousand monthly volume keywords can definitely boost your SEO journey.

Every month, Google processes over ~89.3 billion searches[1]!

But, 90.63%[2] of the content from ~175 million[3] websites gets NO TRAFFIC!

In fact, the lion's share of traffic goes to the creamy layer of the top 50-60 websites that are dominated by tech giants like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, etc.

But, very surprisingly, you’ll also find a small Indian startup called CricBuzz generating an insane amount of traffic.

CricBuzz is a cricket news website, and it gets:

  • 398M monthly traffic and,
  • makes $7.8 million in revenue!

It beats the monthly traffic of sites like LinkedIn, Microsoft, the New York Times and Flipkart.[4]

So, today I’ll be covering how CricBuzz uses one fundamental SEO strategy to become one of the biggest websites on Google. So, let’s get into it!

cricbuzz seo strategy

What exactly is CricBuzz? And, how does it make $7.8M in revenue?

CricBuzz is a website that covers all things cricket. That means the website shares real-time live match scores, all the series details, special tour details, player detail, news, etc.

The website also writes live commentary for ongoing matches and provides detailed expert-level analysis of the game. So, it’s essentially a directory of cricket-related data & news.

cricbuzz seo strategy

CricBuzz was founded in 2004 and today it has

  1. 100 million+ app downloads
  2. ~3 billion + page views
  3. 50 million+ worldwide users
  4. $7.8 million revenue

But, how does CricBuzz make money?

CricBuzz primarily earns money by running ads on its platform. So, the more visits it gets through Google, the more would be the ad revenue.

In that case, implementing SEO and getting more traffic truly serves the bottom line of CricBuzz.

Let’s look at CricBuzz’s SEO numbers

Overall, CricBuzz simply dominates the search rankings across all its subfolders!

  1. It currently gets traffic of 398M every month. This might vary from season to season depending on if a popular cricket series (e.g. World cup, IPL) is happening.
  2. It ranks for 480K keywords. And, out of all these keywords, ~99% are non-branded!
  3. It has 1.8M backlinks and a DR of 77 ⇒ Not as high as the other top websites like Facebook (DR = 100) or LinkedIn (DR = 98).
  4. On top of that, CricBuzz’s closest competitor, ESPN Cricinfo ranks for 899K keywords and gets only 90.4M traffic. So, CricBuzz is clearly way ahead in spite of ranking for lesser keywords.
cricbuzz seo strategy

But, what are these pages that are bringing so much traffic? Well, let’s analyze CricBuzz’s subfolders to find out.

Investigating their sub-folders

Here are the top 7 sub-folders that bring in more than a million traffic for CricBuzz:

  1. /cricket-match ⇒ 40.3M
  2. /cricket-series ⇒ 38.4M
  3. /profiles ⇒ 12.7M
  4. /cricket-commentary ⇒ 10.5M
  5. /live-cricket-scores ⇒ 6.8M
  6. /cricket-schedule ⇒ 6.4M
  7. /cricket-news ⇒ 3.46M
cricbuzz seo strategy

So, why are these subfolders bringing so many users? Let’s find out.

Hitting the SEO keywords Jackpot!

The reason why CricBuzz does so well on SEO and in turn gets millions in traffic & revenue is because they have hit the keyword jackpot. Now, what do I mean by that?

Well, you see there are a group of keywords on Google that are searched by millions of people in a month and if those keywords all come under the same domain then that presents a golden opportunity!

In SEO, your site can only rise up to the potential of the keywords you target. If the volume of your top keywords is only in the hundreds, then your site’s traffic will also be proportional. Maybe you will reach thousands in traffic at best.

But, in the case of CricBuzz, it consistently ranks for keywords that have a volume of millions. Hence, pushing it to 400M+ traffic!

CricBuzz’s goldmine of keywords

Let's take the example of the subfolders we saw above. These subfolders rank for keywords with specific repetitive terms like:

  1. “live”, “score”, “match” → “live cricket score”, “match score”, “cricket live”, “score live”, etc
  2. [team-1] vs [team-2] →“india vs bangladesh”, “pak vs sa”
  3. [series-name] → “ipl 2022 score”, “asia cup 2022”
  4. [player name] → “virat kohli”, “sachin tendular”, “ben stokes”
  5. [series-name] schedule → “t20 schedule”, “ipl schedule”
  6. [series-name] points table → “ipl points table”

There are many such buckets of keywords all relating to cricket. But, the beauty of this domain and keywords is the fact that a) each keyword bucket has hundreds of variations and b) all these variations have a sizeable volume.

For example, just Googling the “[series-name] points table” type keyword will show you these many options!

cricbuzz seo strategy

Similarly, a page like Virat Kohli's profile page ranks for over 4000 keywords! That’s including all the 100s of different spelling variations of the name “Virat Kohli”.

So, if you create a page targeting just one keyword it will automatically rank for all the 100 different variations of that keyword multiplying your total traffic!

CricBuzz very cleverly has pages that rank for both

  1. live-match keywords ⇒ queries for live matches
  2. previous-match keywords ⇒ queries for previous matches

So, their traffic is evergreen throughout the year!

Final Takeaways! And, how to do keyword research for your startup?

Of course, there is more to why CricBuzz does so well on the SEO front.

  1. By covering the entire scope of all cricket-related search queries on Google, CricBuzz has acquired authority on the topic. So, it invariably ranks at the top now.
  2. Plus, the website is a fan favourite. So, even though for some keywords the site is ranked at lower positions in the top 10, dedicated fans will still search for the site in the SERP! Seeing that users prefer CricBuzz, will push Google to eventually rank it at the top.

Now, there are many reasons why avid cricket fans love CricBuzz. But, in the end, the company's priority is to get traffic to generate advertisement money. And, the traffic they get is all thanks to these keywords!

So, how can you replicate CricBuzz’s success and do keyword research for your startup?

Well, you will have to find yourself some high-volume, low-difficulty keywords in a specific domain and start creating pages for them. Now, it’s not always possible to hit the jackpot and find a low-competitive domain that has keywords with millions of volumes as CricBuzz did.

But, finding a good set of keywords with at least a few thousand monthly volume should definitely set your startup on the path of SEO success.

We have detailed our exact strategy to find such lucrative keywords in our free SEO course. Do take a look!

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How Maggi won 60% market share and turned Indians into Maggiholics!?
How Moneycontrol gets 62M+ traffic through their brilliant SEO strategy?
How Moneycontrol gets 62M+ traffic through their brilliant SEO strategy?
This startup did programmatic SEO with NoCode on $50/mo stack!
This startup did programmatic SEO with NoCode on $50/mo stack!

How Maggi won 60% market share and turned Indians into Maggiholics!?

Maggi's history spans 2 countries and dates back to ~150 years ago! The company was founded by Swiss entrepreneur Julius Maggi, who created a precooked soup and sauce brand, specifically targeting working women in the factories.

In 1947, this company was acquired by Nestle and they made it an instant noodle brand. Nestle brought Maggi to India in 1983. And, like their Swiss counterpart, they started targeting working women.

But, unfortunately, that strategy didn't work. You see, in the 1990s, women in India were fairly accustomed to their traditional diet of roti and sabzi (vegetable stew). So, changing their taste palette to a Southeast Asian, noodle-based diet, was near impossible.

Instead, they sold Maggi as an after-school, quick and easy snack for school-going kids. Maggi created the "2-min Maggi" brand, which means you can make Maggi in just 2 mins. So, mothers became the customers (who buy Maggi) and school-going children became their end consumers (who consume Maggi).

This positioning was the winning recipe that quickly:
a) carved out a whole new market for instant noodles in India
b) and, naturally won Maggi a 90% market share, which persisted for 25 years!

So, all their marketing was aligned towards this messaging. Here are some of their strategies:
A) Giving free hampers and taste samples 
B) Lower pricing to reach low-income households
C) On-point advertising
D) Double-down on distribution

But, it was not all easy sailing for Maggi. After having a spectacular 30-year run, in 2015, the company hit rock bottom when their product was tested to have more than permissible amounts of lead.

What followed was a full-fledged ban on all Maggi products. Which caused their market share to go from 80% to ZERO almost overnight!
We'll be covering their recovery journey and more in a follow-up article. So, stay tuned! 😉

How Moneycontrol gets 62M+ traffic through their brilliant SEO strategy?

Moneycontrol is a simple financial and business portal that hosts a ton of information on individual public companies, global and Indian indices, business news articles, personal finance, and more!

Moneycontrol's SEO numbers
- Traffic ⇒ 62M+
- Keywords ⇒ 3.8M
- Backlinks ⇒ 35.2M

Top Subfolders:
- /india/stockpricequote ⇒ 32.6M traffic
- /news ⇒ 7M traffic
So, majority of Moneycontrol's traffic comes from their "stockpricequote" pages.

Now, these 'stockpricequote' pages are essentially part of a stocks directory.
Each stock in the directory has it's own individual page. For example, there is dedicated page for Asian Paints, ONGC, HDFC bank and more!

Now, on the ONGC page there are many sections like
- ONGC share price
- SWOT analysis
- Stock Overview
- Advanced chart

This page also links to ONGC's financials page that includes their annual and quarterly balance sheet and profit and loss numbers.
Collectively these pages rank for high volume keywords like "ONGC share price", "ONGC revenue", "ONGC swot analysis" and more!

Since these pages primarily include general company data, many other reputed websites on the net link to them. For example, ONGC's Wikipedia page links to their Moneycontrol financials page.
So, with these pages they not only get high traffic but also links - so it's a win-win situation!

Not all sections under these "stockpricequote" pages are available for free to a user. Moneycontrol hides part of the data under a CTA, so serious traders would be encouraged to buy their pro plan.
Apart from this, they also run ads on their platform which brings part of their revenue!

This startup did programmatic SEO with NoCode on $50/mo stack! is a programmatic SEO website built by Ian Ruta.

Ian is really passionate about breweries.

So, considering the high SEO potential of brewery keywords, he decided to buildd a directory for craft breweries using NoCode tools.

Programmatic SEO is a way to create 1000s of pages based on an underlying database.

Here are the different parts of Breweriesnearby that together make a programmatic SEO website:
a) Content
b) SEO potential
c) Database
d) Automated Pages

But, why go the NoCode way?

- Generating SEO traffic is NOT straightforward
- It requires rapid experimentation
- Time and cost of hiring a dev team made the project risky ➝ in-front cost
- Plus there was bound to be recurring dev cost ➝ multiple iterations

- With NoCode, Ian built the MVP and version 1 at fraction of the cost and time
- The project was built with less complexity - as there was no need to communicate and align with a team.
- Plus he could experiment and iterate quickly based on user feedback

NoCode Tech Stack

1. Webflow ⇒ pages are automatically created from Webflow's CMS data and templates. It has in-built technical SEO capabilities and provides design flexibility
2. Airtable ⇒ is the main database that stores all the content we discussed earlier.
3. Whalesync ⇒ syncs data from Airtable to Webflow's CMS. This is a faster more user-friendly syncing alternative to Zapier.

4. Jetboost ⇒ NoCode Webflow tool that adds features like search, pagination, and filtering to your website.
5. Octoparse ⇒ Octoparse is a free scraper tool that gathers data from brewery directories and structures them into spreadsheets that are pasted into the Airtable database.
6. SEMRush ⇒ SEO tool that helps identify low-competition, high-volume long-tail keywords surrounding breweries.

Final impact

A) Cost
- Webflow + Airtable + WhaleSync + Octoparse + SEMRush ⇒ $50/month
- Opposed to the $3k for a dev team

B) Time
- MVP ➝ 1 week
- Version 1 ➝ 3 more weeks

C) Metrics
- 30,000 organic impressions
- 1000 organic clicks
- 1000 pages live
The site was launched in July 2022, so their numbers are steadily increasing.

But, regardless, you cannot discount the fact that Ian was able to buildd a complex product affordably in just one month with NoCode.

💡 Lessons:

1) Learn NoCode by doing
2) When stuck, visit online NoCode communities
3) Learn the scope and limitations of the tools you use before you start building

4) It’s important to still maintain lean principles as well, even if NoCode is already a lean approach.
5) And, as and when you buildd the product, try to validate as much of it as possible at different stages before committing too much of your time.