Among all loss making UNICORNS, FirstCry a e-commerce store selling items for newborns is pumping incredible profit numbers. They generated INR 215 Cr profits! Let's understand their business strategy!
Link building is single most important thing you'll work on in your SEO journey. Although, traditional processes are effective but they are tedious. So let's learn how Typeform scaled its link building process!
Physics Wallah generated INR 350 Cr in FY22 with a profit of over INR ~7 Cr in FY21. Now they've raised $100M at a valuation of $1.1 billion dollars. Let's understand how they achieved this feat!
OYO and Airbnb compete to sell hotel lodgings and stays in India. One of their biggest customer source is SEO. But, OYO gets 4 times the traffic of Airbnb in the same region. Let's learn how they do it!