Image SEO: How a 85-year old fashion business got 2.4M organic traffic

Windsor Store - a 100-year old company, launched its online store in 1998. Since then they have laser focused on SEO. But turns out, focusing on this one SEO trick gave them maximum results. Learn all about it in this article.

17th January 2022
4 min read

In a nutshell

SEO is very important for any e-commerce store! So, Windsor has heavily invested to execute:
1. keyword research
2. optimization of on-page content
3. and fixing technical SEO issues.

But, while these improved their SEO rankings quite a bit, it wasn't enough. So, they turned to image SEO! Why? Well, a simple search like "dresses" received 500K volume in the US. The bulk of the results displayed on this page is images.

So, as an e-commerce store, you'd want your product images to rank at the top. For that optimizing the code for your images is essential.

After all, Google Images holds second place as far as search volume in the USA is concerned.

Checking out Windsor's source code shows you the important components:
- Alt Tag - add keywords to the image alt tag
- Format - Use JPEG format
- Size - Strike the right balance between image quality and size

- Lazyload - Enable lazyload to make sure the image only loads when it appears on the screen
- Location - Storing the images on your website in organized folders makes it easier to access and modify them

- Responsiveness - Make sure your images and content load properly on different devices
- File names - Have proper readable and descriptive file names

The fashion industry is ruthless and unforgiving, with the big sharks swallowing smaller firms whole.

Yet, a company which has etched its name in the American fashion industry, Windsor Store, has been making women's clothing for nearly a century now!

They've made it big in both the offline and the virtual world making a whopping $100mn+ in net sales through their online store alone in 2020. has leveraged SEO to get to where they are today. There's a lot to learn from them, so let's break down their SEO strategy & see what we can apply.

Eureka! Images are key to SEO in the fashion industry

Windsor Store launched their online store in 1998, at a time when most people were foreign to the world of e-commerce. Only as the scene started getting hot did they think of focusing on SEO.

They executed all the basic optimization techniques,

  1. keyword research
  2. optimization of on-page content
  3. and fixing technical SEO issues.

While these improved their SEO rankings quite a bit, it wasn't going to be enough to survive in the fashion industry.

That's where image optimization came in and provided the necessary boost to their website SEO.

Let's take for example, a related keyword, 'dresses' — this is searched by roughly 500K users in USA monthly!

Windsor Store SEO case study

The bulk of the first page results includes images, which makes sense in an industry where people buy what they see. Product descriptions are irrelevant if the item isn't visually appealing in fashion.

So naturally, users would go to the images to check out stuff.

Most of the time when you search for something on Google, you also see a collection of images, usually in a horizontal row, which may be at any position in the search results. This is called the Image pack, and clicking on one opens that image in Google images.

Windsor Store SEO case study

Now, Google is very particular about the images it shows in the image pack and the image results.

The number of results shown is also limited. The SEO team at Windsor was quick to identify this. Proper use of image SEO could give the store the opportunity to help customers via image search.

This is something you can apply beyond fashion as well — Google Images holds second place as far as search volume in the USA is concerned.

So, what did they do about this?

I took this page on the site and analyzed the components:

Windsor Store SEO case study

In the source code of the above page on the website, the images are encoded as:

The components:

  1. Alt tag — There's no keyword stuffing and it gives a good amount of data + this alt tag is repeated 16 times on the page. Essentially, this makes it easy for Google to understand the target keyword and realize the searches that it's relevant to.
  2. Format — The images on the page are of the JPEG format. This is recommended by Google:
    • being a modern format, and has good browser support
    • can be compressed easily, which brings us to the next step.
  3. Size — High-quality images increase sales but also take up a lot of space which is not preferred by Google. Striking the right balance between quality and size thus becomes highly important.
    WebP and jpg images serve this purpose — they are easier to compress while retaining quality as compared to png & other formats.
  4. Lazyload — this component in the image tag specifies that an image should load only when you scroll to that part of the page. Windsor's product landing pages show a large number of images per item. Using the lazyload option, in this case, ensures that loading them does not slow down the page.
  5. Location — Storing the images on your website in organized folders makes it easier to access and modify them. All images on Windsor are stored in Shopify's CDN (content delivery network) for this purpose. A closer look at the image URL shows that the images are well categorized in folders:
    In the image URL, '//' has the product image with the code '05001-0771_2_750x.jpg' is placed under the folder 'products' which is further placed in numbered sub-folders under 'files'.
  6. Responsiveness — This means that your content works smoothly across various device screen sizes. To avoid distortion, Windsor has added the image class 'ProductImages__image', and coded it such that the images adjust to the screen sizes.
  7. File names — This is one minor factor where they lack. The file name is '05001-0771_1_750x', which isn't an image SEO best practice, as ideally, file names should be more readable & descriptive.

All of the above components are part of Google's image ranking algorithm and significantly affect the image position.

And what impact did this have?

A quick search on Ahrefs shows that Windsor Store has about 540K keywords ranking in the US alone — this is a huge number and shows that their SEO efforts are paying off!

Next, I checked for keywords under image pack, and obtained 404K results. That's a whopping 74% of their total keywords — and all these images are on the first page of Google results!

Windsor Store SEO case study

The benefits don't end there — if you open Google Images on the phone or web, you can see that there's a dedicated button to direct users to the website. You can also bookmark or add an image to your collection.

These features drive user engagement and are just the cherry on the top of the already amazing results Windsor Store obtained!

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Focus ➝ Topics > Keywords
Here's how you can buildd your site's topical authority!

But, what is topical authority?
Having topical authority means that you are considered an expert in that topic's field.
Meaning, Google will trust you to answer these search queries appropriately.
So, when you publish a blog under this topic you'll be automatically ranked at the top.

How do you gain topical authority?
Ans => You gain topical authority when you provide good quality content on an entire breadth of search queries under a given topic!
Here's how you can approach this:

1) First, choose your target topic.
2) Research all the possible sub-topics under the target topic.

For example,
Target Topic -> content marketing
Subtopics -> content strategy, content trends, etc

3) Next, internally link all the main topic & sub-topic pages together.
4) This signals the search engine that these topics are related.
5) Finally, gaining external links from websites that already have authority on the target topic can give you a great push.

Hubspot implements this by using the Hub and Spoke model. Here the Hub is the main topic page which connects to Spokes, that is the sub-topics covered under that topic.
Example pages:
1) SEO
2) Content Marketing
3) Blogging

Walmart's SEO strategy to get $43B in online sales!

Walmart gets 250M+ monthly traffic via SEO! Of course, they ace many areas in marketing. But, their SEO strategy powers $43B in online sales. Let's learn about it!

Their SEO strategy emerged from a crisis.
You see, in any online store, items are organised into different categories.
Categories -> Sub-categories -> Products

Now a category can have many different products
For example:
- Category = Computers
- Sub-category = Computer Accessories
- Then, Product = Keyboard, camera, mice, etc

But if you optimise product pages for keywords like 'camera', 'keyboard', 'mouse', etc.
Then every page will rank for the same keyword, which will result in them competing with each other.
For a website like Walmart that has millions of product pages, this is a huge problem.

So, to solve this problem, Walmart uses the taxonomy principle!
Taxonomy is simply classifying items in a structured way.
It is an SEO technique used to organise pages into categories with help of tags.

Now, Walmarts pages are organized in the structure:
Domain -> Walmart .com
Department -> Electronics
Category -> Computers
Sub-category -> Laptop

Each stage in this structure has a unique URL structure & every page is also optimized for a unique keyword! With this strategy, Walmart gets 252 million monthly organic traffic! So, its an absolute success :)