ClearTax's brilliant SEO strategy to get 8.3M traffic!

ClearTax made INR 120 crores in revenue & gets 8.3M traffic all thanks to its brilliant SEO strategy! Let's learn their brilliant strategy!

6th July 2022
3 min read

People HATE filing taxes. That's just a universal fact.

So, when a product like ClearTax comes along, that replaces your CA and their hefty prices with a quick solution, then that's a win-win!

Founded in 2011 by an IIT grad named Archit Gupta, ClearTax made a whooping INR 120 crores in revenue in FY21. That's a 100% increase from its previous year's INR 60 crores revenue! And, they have recently raised money from a global fintech giant — Stripe!

But, how did this decade-old startup grow so to get 2M users? Especially, when the taxpayers in India have operated offline for years.

Well, one of the important ingredients to their rapid success is their brilliant SEO strategy that brings in 8.3M taxpayers to ClearTax's doorsteps every month! So, let's dive in! 🚀

Solving India's tax problem

Freshly graduated from IIT Guwahati, Archit Gupta went straight to the US to get his master's degree. He soon started working at another startup in San Francisco. But, when that startup was acquired, Archit didn't want to jump to another 9-5 job. He instead came back to India to buildd his own startup.

Now, being a chartered accountant's (CA) son, Archit was all too familiar with the anxiety-filled & confusing journey consumers' and businesses go through to file their income tax returns. After a quick call with his father, Archit was convinced that the tax-filing space in India needed a makeover!


DON'T buildd startups based on popular trends. Buildd one that solves real customer problems.

But, as in the case with most startups, the journey was not going to be easy. You see, back in 2011,

  1. Only 1% of India's population paid their taxes.
  2. Plus, traditionally, Indians were accustomed to having a CA file their returns.

So, the market was limited and the literacy around filing your own taxes was very low.

Given these fundamental problems, the first few years were extremely tough. They stayed bootstrapped for the first 3 years with their B2C online Income tax filing product. But, in 2013, they diversified to buildd solutions for both "CA's" and "enterprises" - a major shift from just B2C to a combination of B2B & B2C!

This move was very clever and helped improve their profit margins. Today, 90% of ClearTax's revenue comes from enterprises. And, it's hoping to turn over to the profitable road soon!

Lesson ➝ Build B2C startups for fame, B2B startups for profitability.

This is of course a controversial statement and while there are a few exceptions, we believe this to be a serious reality of the modern industry

Now with more diversification ClearTax (rebranded to Clear) has become the biggest e-filing website in India with transactions processed worth $300B!

So, what exactly is ClearTax? And, how is it doing SEO-wise?

Well, to put it simply, ClearTax suggests they help users file their Income Tax returns in just 3 mins. But, that's not it. They have built a bunch of products for enterprises like the GST filing software, e-invoicing software, TDS returns filing solutions and more!

cleartax SEO case study

So, basically, its target bases are both enterprises and retail consumers. But, ultimately, ClearTax is after tax-paying young adults in the age group of 22-40 who:

  1. Know how to use the internet
  2. Might want to use a financial SaaS product for their enterprise

SEO is absolutely ideal for this! Why? Well, think about it - as a young adult, every time you want to calculate your income tax or your EMI or your GST, you don't go and refer a book. You instead turn to Google!

If an entire generation is Googling every little question they have, as a business your website has to appear on the search engine.

ClearTax's SEO numbers!

So, now the question comes - how is ClearTax doing on the SEO front? Well, they are absolutely rocking the field!

cleartax SEO case study
  1. They get monthly traffic of 8.3M & rank for 1.5M keywords.
  2. It has 186K backlinks & a DR of 76!
  3. And, ~85% of ClearTax's users come through "Search", according to Similar Web!
cleartax SEO case study

So, what's their SEO strategy?

We have already established that ClearTax targets taxpayers in the age group of 22-40. Now, all they have to do is:

  • Figure out what these users search for on Google
  • Isolate the search queries that are more relevant to ClearTax's products. Example: keywords on topics ➝ Tax, GST, Interest rates, EMI, etc
  • Create pages for different search queries

The best example of this strategy implemented is ClearTax's "calculator" pages! There are a total of 237 such pages which collectively bring in 700K+ traffic.

What's more interesting is that these pages are a hybrid between a blog and a tool!

Confused? Well, let me explain by taking an example of the "Tax Calculator" page.

How do the calculator pages work?

To get started, the "Tax Calculator" page ranks for 2 types of keywords:

A) The "how-to" keywords - here the user wants to learn how to calculate income tax

cleartax SEO case study

B) The "calculator" keywords - here a user is looking for a tool to calculate their income tax

cleartax SEO case study

In case 1, the user is primarily looking for a guide. While in case 2, the user is looking for a tool to quickly input numbers and calculate their taxable income.

cleartax SEO case study cleartax SEO case study

Knowing the different search intents of these 2 keyword types, ClearTax has created a page that's a combination of both a tool and a guide which infuses both sets of keywords within their page!

And, now that the pages are properly keyword optimized for the search queries, these pages are all internally linked. ClearTax does this by adding links to these pages at the footer of their website, so they get a backlink from the Home Page (UR = 76) and also all the other high UR pages.

The combination of excellent optimization and internal linking helps these pages to rank at the top on Google!

So what do we learn from ClearTax?

Well, ClearTax teaches us a lot about what search intent actually means. You see, Google has only one commitment - to give users exactly what they ask for.

So, no matter the brilliant tricks you use, if your content is not relevant to what the user wants, then Google won't display it at the top. That's why, understanding the search intent of any keyword is extremely important!

We know that search intent tells you the intention behind a search. We have 4 types of search:

  1. Informational - User wants to gain information about something (eg - "What is GST?")
  2. Navigational - User wants to navigate to a different page (eg - "")
  3. Commercial - User is looking for information with the intent to buy a product. (eg - "best e-filling product")
  4. Transactional - User wants to buy or download something (eg - "ClearTax GST software")

But, the concept of search intent is not limited to just these 4 broad categories. These categories have a lot more more nuance. Let's take a few examples:


  1. Keyword - "notion templates"
    Google Ranks ➝ Listicles of notion templates
  2. Keyword - "convert euro to dollars"
    Google Ranks ➝ Currency conversion tools
  3. Keyword - "business name generators"
    Google Ranks ➝ Automatic name generator tools
  4. Keyword - "How to write a blog"
    Google Ranks ➝ A full-length guide on how to write a blog

In all these cases, understanding the search intent becomes the first step in creating the page!

Keep this in mind while researching for keywords & like ClearTax you'll also see guaranteed results for your SEO efforts! But, in any case, we at buildd are always there to help you in your SEO journey. So, let's get buildd-ing! 💪

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How we used SEO & programming to get 1M monthly traffic!

Let’s be SaaSsy! Apple’s move from hardware to SaaS

Apple is the cult it is because of the iPhone, Mac, iPod & many other iconic products. But it's future is in the hands of a dark horse — Apple Services.

Apple Services is how Apple makes money on top of all the software that ships along with Apple devices.

Some of Apple’s most popular software as services are:
A) Apple Music — Music streaming platform
B) App Store — App store platform
C) iCloud — Cloud software service
D) AppleTV+ — Streaming service
E) Apple Pay — Instant payment service

Apple makes money from these services through subscription fees, commissions, paid downloads, partnerships, etc.

Apple Services makes ~$68bn in revenue, which is 2nd largest revenue maker for Apple, only after the iPhone.

But here’s the best part — Apple makes ~64% profits on services vs. 32% on hardware devices!

More surprisingly, Apple Services easily beats top SaaS companies in terms of revenue making >1.5x the revenue of Salesforce, Adobe & Zoom combined.

BankBazaar's SEO strategy to get 22.6M monthly organic traffic!

Amazon-backed BankBazaar is one of the rare startups that have stood the test of time! Founded in 2008, during the financial crisis, this fintech company now makes INR 156 crores in revenue.

One of their ACE SEO marketing strategies is a simple tool that doesn't require them to write tons of content, and still gets them millions of users!

So, what is this tool we are talking about? Well, Bank Bazaar has this /ifsc-code subfolder that brings in 1.29M traffic out of their total 22.6M monthly traffic! This simple basically tells you the IFSC code of every bank in the country. All you have to do is to select your bank details and press enter!

There are 4 input items that you can enter - bank name, state, district and the branch. The URL changes to the specific input item it changes to. This allows them to rank for a range of different keywords depending on the 4 inputs.

This is a simple programmatic SEO strategy that relies on a database and creates thousands of different pages. So, BankBazaar doesn't have to work on creating each individual page, just filling the database content. It's that simple!

How we used SEO & programming to get 1M monthly traffic!

Most SEO strategies are extremely effort-intensive, like writing blogs. But, there is an easier way to create thousands of pages automatically. How?

Well, the Answer is => SEO + Programming => Programmatic SEO!

Programmatic SEO is a strategy where you use the data you have, to create hundreds of pages automatically.

The goal with these automated pages is simple - optimize them as you would do for a blog so they organically rank for the target Google search query!

There are 2 major components to Programmatic SEO: The Data — this is the data that is manually populated or sourced from different places The Automated Pages — these pages are generated using the main data

At Remote Tools, we have implemented Programmatic SEO to create Product, Category & Alternative pages. Here's how it works!

So, Remote Tools (RT) is basically a "remote tools" database. Product/startup creators submit their products to RT & once reviewed they are uploaded on their product pages.

Now every product is assigned to a category. For example, productivity, team chats, project development, etc. Each category has a category page that has a list of all products under that category.

Plus, each product has an alternative page, that lists all the other products in that category. These category and alternative pages are automatically created using the data sourced from the creators. And, they rank for many keywords!