When the pandemic hit in 2020 and everyone was pushed to work from home, Zoom became a household name. It's growth & revenue skyrocketed and today, Zoom has 300 million daily users!
But that growth has slowed down over 2021, of course just in comparison to 2020. It's still huge compared to previous years, however, its competitors are also closing in. Microsoft, Google etc. have announced major updates in the recent months.
Now the return to office, at least partially, that's already happening is posing a new challenge for Zoom. How does Zoom stay equally relevant in the new office + remote OR hybrid world?
Well, Zoom already has answers to all of that with its recently announced overhaul! They are not just releasing features but independent software & hardware products to help you master hybrid working.
Zoom whiteboarding across devices
If you have used Zoom's whiteboard feature, you know it's barebones and at best, helps you scribble while you talk. However, the revamped interface will have more controls and interactions with a physical whiteboard surface across devices (eg. iPads or TV displays).
Equalizing remote & in-office meetings
Zoom is majorly upgrading its smart gallery feature that cuts & crops people sitting around a conference table into Zoom boxes. Not just that, Zoom has also announced that it will officially supports Facebook's Oculus VR so that people can connect & whiteboard in virtual reality.
Zoom phone
If you didn't know, Zoom already has a physical phone called Zoom phone. It's now getting a major upgrade. You'll be able to manage hot desks in an office space - scheduling a seat or grabbing whichever is free using a QR code. Not just that, you can also video chat or whiteboard on these phones.
Zoom chat
Currently, the chat feature on Zoom is barebones. But it's getting a major overhaul to compete with the likes of Slack. In fact, the interface is strikingly similar to Slack!
Zoom everywhere!
Zoom is clearly eyeing every turf that any of its competitors operates in. It will be interesting to see how successful Zoom gets in each of these areas, particularly since it faces stiff competition from the likes of Microsoft, Google, Slack/Salesforce etc.