As a startup founder "Shamelessness" is a big superpower.

Be overly sensitive and take everything personally as a founder.

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As a startup founder "Shamelessness" is a big superpower.

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As a startup founder "Shamelessness" is a big superpower.

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As a startup founder "Shamelessness" is a big superpower.

When I first started out, I was hesitant to put myself out there and ask for help or resources. I was afraid of rejection and of being seen as a failure. But as I continued on my entrepreneurial journey, I realized that the most successful people in the startup world are those who are not afraid to go out there and get what they want regardless of what other people think. For example, I remember reaching out to a successful entrepreneur for advice and mentorship. I was expecting a polite decline, but instead, I was surprised to find that they were more than happy to help. It was only then that I realized that people are more willing to help and support you when you're not afraid to ask for it. Another example is when I was looking for funding for my startup, I was afraid to approach investors because I was scared they would reject me. But one day, I decided to just go for it and I was able to secure funding from some great investors. This taught me that being shameless in asking for what you want can lead to great opportunities and success.

Ahammed Mufasir M.
Ahammed Mufasir M.

yes I agree

Omkar Thorat
Omkar Thorat

I agree with you